Kirtan melts the heart, fills the mind with purity and
generates harmony and Divine Love.
Swami Sivananda

KIRTAN is the music of the heart, a calling of the soul and a central practice in Bhakti Yoga, one of the four classical paths of Yoga. It is a simple yet powerful and direct way to connect with self, soul, Divine source, and community.

Chanting can create great joy and put aside the mind to open the heart and gain access to a profound yet very natural state of inner bliss and high vibration. It is an excellent way to soothe the nerves and calm the mind.

All are welcome to this easily accessible spiritual practice of call-and-response singing of mantras and spiritual songs in Sanskrit and English with traditional and contemporary melodies and eclectic sacred music. Participants are invited to sit comfortably, sing as though no one is listening, clap their hands, and dance or move if they wish. 

You can think of it as a sing-along — as the leader sings and the audience sings back, raising blissful energy higher and higher. Despite its Indian roots, kirtan can be considered to be all about the Universal language of the soul.


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Coming Up

Sunset Vibes Outdoor Kirtan

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Avant Garde, Branford, CT

Sita's Light returns to Avant Garde for a sweet early evening OUTDOOR event on the grassy lawn.

Come and enjoy easy call & response chanting and eclectic sacred music with Sita and her amazing musician friends – Andrew on 12 string guitar, Prémik on flutes and Lydia on percussion. It's always a little different and always inspiring.

Feel free to invite a friend or two and be sure to bring chairs, mats, blankets for comfortable seating. Event will be indoors if there is inclement weather.

Summer is a busy time so please RSVP before 7/27 if and let us know you're coming so we can prepare the best experience possible.